Aisle’s B2B Sales Strategy Opens Up New Avenues of Growth for the Established Company

Aisle, one of the first companies in Canada to sell sustainable period products, connected with us through CDAP to evaluate their marketing.

Updating Marketing Strategy in Light of Industry Change

Originally known as Lunapads, Aisle was one of the first companies in Canada to sell sustainable period products. Although Aisle was well-established and well-known as an inclusive and sustainable period care brand, the industry had changed significantly since Lunapads launched in the early 1990s, and the company was looking to validate and update its marketing strategy and operations in light of increased competition. Aisle connected with us through the Canada Digital Adoption Program in order to evaluate its current marketing efforts and enhance its B2B marketing strategy targeting institutional sales.

What We Did

Analysis, Strategy, and Recommendations

Differentiating Aisle from the Competition

As Aisle already had a robust marketing program in place, we reviewed its existing strategy and provided optimization recommendations for areas such as its tech stack, website, and CRM. Recognizing a growing desire among post-secondary institutions, civic bodies, and employers to address the problem of “period poverty” and improve menstrual equity, Aisle had developed a new institutional sales strategy but had not yet achieved the desired traction. 


We made recommendations to pivot the strategy to different audiences within the B2B space, then built out a marketing roadmap and a comprehensive institutional sales marketing plan, including a new leads funnel for a new B2B audience. We also devised a content strategy to position Aisle as an industry thought leader and differentiate the brand from its many competitors.

Black Aisle underwear held up

By providing a critical eye around Aisle’s existing marketing efforts and assisting it in repositioning for a new way of doing business, we opened up new avenues of growth for the company. Armed with a new marketing roadmap that was approved and accepted by the Canada Digital Adoption Program, and a review and optimization of its current efforts, Aisle was able to successfully launch its B2B strategy and continue to reassert its groundbreaking thought leadership in the menstrual care space.